We currently have 96 parcels of owner financed land for sale in 32 counties across 15 States. Our inventory consists of some of the cheapest residential quality land for sale in America. Though most of our land is located in Colorado and Oregon, we have dozens of properties available across the nation, from Alaska in the North to Florida in the South.
How are we able to offer quality rural land at these low prices? It's our network of resources that enables us to acquire and develop large tracts of land at a reduced cost. We then pass these cost savings along to our customers. We also obtain individual parcels of land from original owners who have chosen to offer their land for sale. Our cash purchasing power gives us an advantage, and enables us to acquire the land at a reduced cost. We then offer this land for sale to our customers at a huge savings.
Over the years, investments in land have proven to be more stable and reliable than investments in the fluctuating housing market. Do you want to invest in land but think you can't afford to? At Billyland we allow you to invest with low down-payments and monthly installments that are often times cheaper than the monthly cost of a daily cup of fancy coffee. This creates tremendous '
Real Estate Leverage' for the investor. Additionally, owner financing is available and there are no credit checks or references needed to buy land from BillyLand. Our purchase agreements are simple, straightforward, and easy to read. BillyLand really can make it easy and affordable for you to own and invest in land.