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  5. All of our Land is free of Liens or other Encumbrances...
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Oregon Land 2.26 Acres Level, Woods, Natural clearings
Beautiful Old Growth Timber, Power on Road
Acres: 2.26 Price per Acre: $11,017
Purchase Price: $24900
Down Payment $1250 Monthly Payment: $285
Parcel #: 08/19/KFFE66-1
2.74 Acres of Oregon Land for Sale
Wooded, Secluded, Quiet
Acres: 2.74 Price per Acre: $12,737
Purchase Price: $34900
Down Payment $3000 Monthly Payment: $385
Parcel #: OR-KLM-77/12/KFFE66-1
Oregon land 1.7 Acres Walk to River
Beautiful Level View Parcel Homes in the Area
Acres: 1.7 Price per Acre: $11,117
Purchase Price: $18900
Down Payment $1199 Monthly Payment: $225
Parcel #: 09/67/NRP-05
Oregon Land 2.3 Acres, Near Sprague River
Beautiful and Secluded, Walk to Winema National Forest
Acres: 2.3 Price per Acre: $10,826
Purchase Price: $24900
Down Payment $950 Monthly Payment: $285
Parcel #: OR-KLMT-32/32/KFE-1
Oregon Land 2.29 Acres - Bonanza, OR
Forrest Land in Recently Burned Area
Acres: 2.29 Price per Acre: $10,000
Purchase Price: $22900
Down Payment $990 Monthly Payment: $252
Parcel #: 20/100/KFFE66-4
Oregon Land 2.53 Acres, Scattered Pines, Mountain Views
Nice Open Parcel, Great For Horses
Acres: 2.53 Price per Acre: $9,841
Purchase Price: $24900
Down Payment $890 Monthly Payment: $275
Parcel #: OR-24/26/KFE-1
Oregon Land walk to Klamath Lake .70 Acres
Power,Phone,Water Homes in Area.
Acres: .70 Price per Acre: $35,571
Purchase Price: $24900
Down Payment $990 Monthly Payment: $315
Parcel #: 47/32/OSRC-1184/2-1ST
Oregon Land 2.3 Acres - Sprague River - Power
Scattered Pines Close To Sprague River And Klamath Lake
Acres: 2.3 Price per Acre: $9,521
Purchase Price: $21900
Down Payment $780 Monthly Payment: $241
Parcel #: 01/53/KFE-1
Oregon Land for Sale 0.28 Acres, Lake Area Building Lot
Walk to Agency Lake, Power, Water, Build Now or Future
Acres: 0.28 Price per Acre: $67,500
Purchase Price: $18900
Down Payment $1480 Monthly Payment: $225
Parcel #: OR-KLM-42/29/1113-OSRC-2
Oregon Land 2.84 Acres Level, Mountain Views
Near Sprague River Build now or hold for the future
Acres: 2.84 Price per Acre: $8,767
Purchase Price: $24900
Down Payment $875 Monthly Payment: $275
Parcel #: OR-KLMT-06/52/NRP-04
Oregon Land 1.9 Acres, Power at the Lot, Owner Finance
Beautiful Hilltop Property with Nice Views, Easy Access
Acres: 1.9 Price per Acre: $13,105
Purchase Price: $24900
Down Payment $975 Monthly Payment: $290
Parcel #: OR-KLMT-34/01/SRVA
Oregon land 2.3 Acres Power, Secluded Owner Carry
Great Open parcel good for Horses and Hobby Farm
Acres: 2.3 Price per Acre: $10,826
Purchase Price: $24900
Down Payment $890 Monthly Payment: $275
Parcel #: OR-KLMT-01/37/KFE-1

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